Dr Emiel Maasland is Managing Consultant at Auctiometrix. He holds a PhD in Auction Theory. His research interests include auctions, charitable fundraising, industrial organization, and competition policy. He has published in international academic journals, such as Journal of Political Economy, Games and Economic Behavior, Economic Theory, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, and Telecommunications Policy. He has over 10 years experience in scientifically based contract research. He advised European regulators on the design and implementation of various auctions, in particular spectrum auctions for mobile communication and radio broadcasting. He also has practical experience of advising major mobile operators in numerous European spectrum auctions. Furthermore, he advised private companies in antitrust cases in sectors such as the market for mobile telephony, motor fuels, bicycles, and liberal professions.
Dr Tommi Tervonen is an Assistant Professor of Business Intelligence Systems at the Econometric Institute of Erasmus School of Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam. His main research interests are wide and range from methodological development in decision support systems to agile software development management, on which he has published in international academic journals such as Decision Support Systems and Information and Software Technology. He has over a decade of experience in industrial grade software development and is the main developer of JSMAA ( and one of the founding developers of ADDIS ( In addition to continuously developing software, he is responsible for the advanced programming education at the Econometric Institute. Within our group Dr Tervonen acts as product manager for the auction (training) software.
Charlie Ye is a PhD student at the Erasmus Research Institute of Management in the group of Computer Science at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam. His PhD research topic is about decision making in combinatorial auctions. His bachelor and master study is on Econometrics and Management Science, specialized in Operations Research. He also completed a minor degree in Computer Science. He has been a teaching assistant to numerous computer science related courses, including various programming and database courses. Within our group Charlie Ye acts as programmer of the auction (training) software.
Dr Yingqian Zhang is Assistant Professor of Business Intelligence in the Department of Econometrics at Erasmus University Rotterdam. She received her PhD degree in Computer Science from University of Manchester. Her main research areas lie in artificial intelligence and intelligent agent based decision systems. She has over 10 years' experience in applying AI techniques to various problem domains including auctions. She has been helping online auction companies to analyze/design auctions based on historical auction data, and developing auction simulation software, which is used to evaluate auction design and analyze bidding strategies of multiple players. Within our group, Dr. Zhang is responsible for intelligent software solutions for auction training and auction data analytics.